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Hear Her Story: Xsenija Bromley


Life has taken many unexpected twists and turns for Xsenija, but the one factor that has always remained the same was staying true to herself. 

She selected an ATAR Pathway in both Years 11 and 12 because she felt that she was suited to the challenge. Studying Mathematic Methods, English Literature, Business and Enterprise, Psychology, Human Biology (Year 11) and Graphic Design, Xsenija chose subjects she was interested in, which made the study experience more enjoyable. She also decided from the get-go she was not going to compromise what was important to her, with a focus on achieving a healthy work-life balance.  

“Although I admit working, studying, prefecture and sport led to a very intense final year of school, it was important to me to continue my passions and prioritise my mental health. Allowing me to see my friends and do sport meant that I was happier overall during the year, which also meant the time I did have to study was of a higher quality and I found myself more motivated.”  

During her time at MLC, she took advantage of doing as many co-curricular activities as she could, completing 25 IGSSA sports, Speech and Drama, Middle Year’s Productions, and leadership roles. Outside of school, she maintained her main sport karate, competing at national levels throughout ATAR.   

“Maintaining my sport outside of school was not only beneficial to my mental health but it also provided a critical social balance from study. The broad range of school sports further supported this, acting as a form for me to try new things that I otherwise would not have had the opportunity to. As a result, I ended up loving volleyball and running, which I have now continued outside of school.”  

Looking back, she is proud of her individual journey and credits MLC to helping her achieve her goals. “When I came to MLC in Year 5, I was in all the support classes and barely passing. I would never have thought I would be where I am today. 10-year-old Xsenija never would have dreamed of having the accomplishments I now have, nor imagine the career ahead of me as an option.”  

Xsenija is now studying a Bachelor of Philosophy Honours majoring in Psychological & Behavioural Sciences and Marketing, minoring in Japanese at the University of Western Australia. With the hope of achieving a PhD in Psychology, she is excited to see what her future holds.  

“My advice to students starting Year 12 is not to sacrifice who you are for a grade. Always try your hardest but also remember who you are and what is important to you. There is no point reading a number at the end of it all with no idea of who you are or why you did it. Stay true to yourself and remember that a balanced life will always be a more successful one!”  


Class of 2023


26 March 2024
