A favourite memory of my time at MLC is my first Heather Lamont Day. Our students look forward to this arts festival all year, and I had no idea to expect so much talent across a variety of arts. The staff decided to put on a surprise performance of Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’, and I naively agreed to sign up to participate. Let’s just say our own standard was not quite in the same league as the girls! When the performance began, I remember being terrified as I looked out into the auditorium of screaming students! I spent the next five minutes dancing around the stage with staff, while my Year 10 girls in the front row chanted and cheered, grinning from ear to ear. I’ve never felt more connected to a school community. This was when I knew that MLC was going to be my forever school.
I just love working with my pupils who are so polite and fun to teach. The girls are always eager to participate in the lessons, and I enjoy seeing each of their personalities shine through in the classroom. Without fail they always say ‘thank you’ at the end of a lesson, and every time it makes me smile.
Since moving to MLC three years ago, one of my professional interests has become utilising technology to develop a flipped learning style of teaching. MLC, unlike any other school I have worked at, has as excellent variety of digital applications to support learning and I was keen to embrace this style of teaching which I felt suited the fast-paced learning attitude of our students. In hindsight this prepared me well for the changes to the normal school routine as a result of COVID19. From the early stages of this pandemic I was one of the staff leading the way and experimenting with remote learning. I was able to work to create differentiated and adaptable resources, I trialled new technologies (with the support of one of my classes) and was eager to find ways and different approaches to learning that would help support our students through any changes. I developed and led multiple professional learning sessions to support our staff with the transition; helping them learn how to adapt resources, how to record and prepare lesson content and supporting my colleagues through the uncharted changes to education. I was proud to work on such a project, in a school well equipped to handle the transition, with a staff base so willing to adapt and thrive.
I made the mistake of telling one of my classes once that I auditioned for the X-Factor in the UK. They spent most of that year trying to find footage of me on stage! Luckily for me social media wasn’t as big then as it is now, but the girls continue to twist my arm for a solo performance! They haven’t succeeded yet!