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Doug Hounslow



My career goal when I was 15 was to ‘work with electricity’ which I started out doing as an Avionics Technician working on Military Aircraft. The lure of the technology behind music and performances was too hard to resist, and now some 25 years later, I have no regrets whatsoever.

Working in the MLC community is incredibly fulfilling, and I truly feel privileged to work here. I have such positive interactions with our community both as audience and performers. I feel like I get paid to make people happy. I love working with the students in performances. They shoulder huge responsibilities in a high-pressure environment, and I love seeing the immense satisfaction they get from those roles.

One of the more memorable moments from my time at MLC would be during the 2017 Music Tour when we found out that there was no private vehicle access into the Old Town of Salzburg, Austria, where our Orchestra was to be playing later that evening. Multiple trips of moving instruments with two ‘borrowed’ wheelie bins from the town square, followed by 14 taxi trips for the larger instruments ensured that the rehearsal and performance happened on time. I slept well that evening! I received the ‘Ant Award’ on the Tour for consistently lifting 50 times my own weight while never failing to keep a smile on my face.




1 July 2020
